Replicawarehouse sells a vast range of historical accurate replicas, as well as original and antique objects including: Food, Clothing, Tableware, Period Costumes, Uniforms, Pottery, Glass and Pewterware, Furniture, Weapons and Armour and a wide variety of related artefacts from Ancient Rome to World War 2 and beyond.
The photos shown on this Website are just a few examples of the extensive range of items we sell.
We specialise in the Romans, Tudors, World War 1, World War 2 and the Transatlantic Slave Trade.
We work for:
Stately Houses
TV & Film Companies
Replicawarehouse is owned by Lesley Edwards.
Lesley started the Company over 30 years ago to supply antiques and replicas utilising the talents of a wide range of highly skilled craftspeople. Replicawarehouse has now become a One Stop Shop for supplying an extensive range of artefacts from ancient times to the 1970s.
We can project manage your requirements with our extensive historical knowledge.
We source and make from a wide range of talented and excellent suppliers and makers.
We are based in Goostrey, Cheshire, UK.
If you are local, collection is available or we ship worldwide.
Garnished boars head
Christmas Mouse
If you can’t find what you are looking for on our website, contact us. We can usually source items relevant for your project.
What our customers say
Lincoln Castle
"I have just received the prison foods - they look amazing!"
Portsmouth Museum
"Our order arrived safely yesterday; bang on schedule. The original WLA Breeches are particularly splendid - what a shape! I can't wait to see the expressions on the children's faces when they see them. And the comics are wonderful"
Tullie House Museum
"The items arrived today and they're absolutely fantastic"
M&S Company Archive